Spectrum Sensing at the ICC 2010

Edit: I had access to a copy of the proceedings and I revised some of these papers. If you are interested take a look at the posts related to the ICC 2010. Proceedings available online: IEEE Xplore.
Spectrum sensing schemes
Wavelet-Thresholded Multitaper Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radios in Unknown Noise
Jitendra Tugnait (Auburn University, USA)
Spectrum Sensing of OFDM Waveforms Using Embedded Pilot Subcarriers
Arash Zahedi-Ghasabeh (University of California, Los Angeles, USA), Alireza Tarighat (Wilinx Corp., USA) and Babak Daneshrad (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)
A Cyclostationary-Based Spectrum Sensing Method Using Stochastic Resonance in Cognitive Radio
Yingpei Lin, Chen He, Lingge Jiang, Di He (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)
Spectrum Sensing Approach Based on Optimal Stochastic Resonance Technique under Color Noise Background in Cognitive Radio Networks
Di He, Chen He, Lingge Jiang, Yingpei Lin (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)
This was the first time I see the term Stochastic Resonance. Googling it I found that Stochastic Resonance refers to a peak that appears in the power spectrum of a dynamical system subject to both periodic forcing and random perturbation. This peak dissapears when either the forcing or the perturbation is absent.
Spectrum Sensing based on the Detection of Fourth-Order Cyclic Features
Julien Renard, Jonathan Verlant-Chenet, Jean-Michel Dricot, Philipe De Doncker and François Horlin (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
Trace Based Semi-blind and Blind Spectrum Sensing Schemes for Cognitive Radio
Xi Yang (Southeast University, China), Kejun Lei (Jishou University, China) and Shengliang Peng, Xiuying Cao (Southeast University, China)
Cognitive Radio Wideband Spectrum Sensing Using Multitap Windowing and Power Detection with Threshold Adaptation
Tsung-Han Yu (University of California, Los Angeles, USA), Santiago Rodriguez-Parera (University of California, Los Angeles, Belgium) and Dejan Markovic, Danijela Cabric (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)
This paper is related to the one I cited in the last post.
A Low-Complexity Wideband Spectrum-Sensing Processor with Adaptive Detection Threshold and Sensing Time by Tsung-Han Yu, Oussama Sekkat, Santiago Rodriguez-Parera, Dejan Marković, and Danijela Čabrić.
Cyclostationarity Approach for the Recognition of Cyclically Prefixed Single Carrier Signals in Cognitive Radio
Qiyun Zhang, Octavia A. Dobre (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada), Sreeraman Rajan, Robert J. Inkol (DRDC-Ottawa, Canada), Erchin Serpedin (Texas A&M University, USA)
Spectrum Sensing for DTMB System Based on PN Cross-Correlation
Aolin Xu, Qicun Shi, Zhixing Yang Kewu Peng (Tsinghua University, China), Jian Song (Research Institute of Information Technology, China)
Spectrum Sensing Technique for Cognitive Radio Systems with Selection Diversity
Chang Kyung Sung, Iain B. Collings (CSIRO, Australia)
Cooperative spectrum sensing
Cyclic Prefix Based Cooperative Sequential Spectrum Sensing Algorithms for OFDM
Arunkumar Jayaprakasam, Vinod Sharma, Chandra R. Murthy and Prashant Narayanan (Indian Institute of Science, India)
Cooperative Spectrum Sensing for Multiband under Noise Uncertainty in Cognitive Radio Networks
Zhaoxia Song, Xuan Sun, Zhichao Qin, Zheng Zhou (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China)
A Robust and Efficient Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Scheme in Cognitive Radio Networks
Feng Gao, Wei Yuan, Wei Liu, Wenqing Cheng, Shu Wang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)
Doubly Sequential Energy Detection for Distributed Dynamic Spectrum Access
Nikhil Kundargi, Ahmed Tewfik (University of Minnesota, USA)
We study the distributed sequential energy detection problem in the context of spectrum sensing for cognitive radio networks. We formulate a novel Doubly Sequential Energy Detector (DSED) and provide a comprehensive study of its performance. Specifically, we present the first method that sequentially combines the decisions of the Cognitive Radio nodes wherein each node is running an independent Sequential Energy Detector (SED). Through extensive simulations it is demonstrated that (i) our novel sequential version of the energy detector delivers a significant throughput improvement of 2 to 6 times over the fixed sample size test while maintaining equivalent operating characteristics as measured by the Probabilities of Detection (P_D) and False Alarm (P_FA), and (ii) the Doubly Sequential Procedure at the Base Station further boosts the SED performance while improving the robustness for shadowed Cognitive Radio nodes. For example, for a P_D > 0.95, our simulations demonstrate that the DSED has a P_FA < 0.20 while utilizing upto 8 times fewer samples than the equivalent energy detector upto a Signal to Noise Ratio of -10 dB, below which its performance gracefully degrades.
Cooperative Spectrum Sensing with Multi-channel Coordination in Cognitive Radio Networks
Chengqi Song, Qian Zhang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
Cooperative Cyclostationary Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radios at Low SNR Regimes
Mahsa Derakhshani (McGill University, Canada), Masoumeh Nasiri-Kenari (Sharif University of Technology, Iran) and Tho Le-Ngoc (McGill University, Canada)
Distributed Compressive Spectrum Sensing in Cooperative Multi-hop Cognitive Networks
Zeng Fanzi (School of Computer and Communication Hunan University, China) and Zhi Tian, Chen Li (Michigan Technological University, USA)
Centralized Cooperative Spectrum Sensing for Ad-hoc Disaster Relief Network Clusters
Nuno Pratas (Center for TeleInFrastructure / Aalborg University, Denmark), Nicola Marchetti (Aalborg University, Denmark), Neeli Rashmi Prasad (Center for TeleInFrastructure, Denmark), António J. Rodrigues (IT / Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal) and Ramjee Prasad (Center for TeleInFrastruktur / Aalborg University, Denmark)
Time-Divisional Cooperative Periodic Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Networks
Sithamparanathan Kandeepan (Create-Net International Research Centre, Italy) and Andrea Giorgetti, Marco Chiani (University of Bologna, Italy)
No-Regret Learning in Collaborative Spectrum Sensing with Malicious Nodes
Quanyan Zhu (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA), Zhu Han (University of Houston, USA) and Tamer Basar (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Spectrum Sensing policy
An Optimal Algorithm for Wideband Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Systems.
Pedram Paysarvi Hoseini, Norman C. Beaulieu (University of Alberta, Canada)
An optimal wideband spectrum sensing algorithm which jointly detects the primary activities over multiple narrowband channels is presented. The algorithm enhances the overall secondary user performance while protecting the primary network at a desired level. The problem is formulated as an optimization problem to maximize the available secondary throughput capacity given a bound on the imposed aggregate interference. It is demonstrated that the problem can be solved as a convex optimization if certain practical constraints are applied. Simulation results attest that the proposed algorithm achieves a superior performance compared to contemporary algorithms.
Opportunistic Wideband Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radios with Genetic Optimization.
Michele Sanna, Maurizio Murroni (University of Cagliari, Italy)
Energy-Efficient Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Networks
Hang Su, Xi Zhang (Texas A&M University, USA)
This paper focuses on the spectrum sensing issues in the unslotted cognitive radio networks with wireless fading channels. To overcome the energy-inefficiency problem of the existing continuous/fixed-schedule spectrum sensing schemes in the cognitive radio networks, we propose an efficient spectrum sensing scheme for secondary users (SUs). The design goal of our proposed scheme is to save the sensing energy consumption while guaranteeing the priority of the primary users (PUs) and the spectrum opportunity for SUs in terms of available spectrum usage time. In particular, our proposed energy-efficient spectrum sensing scheme adaptively adjusts the spectrum sensing periods and determines between the presence and vacancy of the PU by taking advantage of PU’s activity patterns. We also develop a novel two-threshold based sequential sensing policy to reduce the false alarm probability while limiting the missed detection probability. We conduct simulations to validate and evaluate our proposed scheme.
Queue-Aware Spectrum Sensing for Interference-Constrained Transmissions in Cognitive Radio Networks
Qinghe Du, Xi Zhang (Texas A&M University, USA)
On Spectrum Probing in Cognitive Radio Networks: Does Randomization Matter?
Chao Chen, Zesheng Chen, Todor Cooklev (Indiana University / Purdue University, Fort Wayne, USA) and Carlos A. Pomalaza-Ráez (University of Oulu, Finland)
Overcoming the Sensing-Throughput Tradeoff in Cognitive Radio Networks
Stergios Stotas, Nallanathan Arumugam (King's College London, UK)
Agile Spectrum Evacuation in Cognitive Radio Networks
Mohammad Iqbal Bin Shahid, Joarder Kamruzzaman (Monash University, Australia)
Related to spectrum sensing
Interference-Aware Power Allocation in Cognitive Radio Networks with Imperfect Spectrum Sensing
Sami M. Almalfouh, Gordon Stuber (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Fair and Efficient Channel Allocation and Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive OFDMA Networks
Chunhua Sun (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China),Wei Chen (Tsinghua University, China) and Khaled Ben Letaief (Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong)
Sampling Clock Frequency Offset Compensation for Feature Detection in Spectrum Sensing
Arash Zahedi-Ghasabeh (University of California, Los Angeles, USA), Alireza Tarighat (Wilinx Corp., USA) and Babak Daneshrad (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)
Labels: cognitive radio, ICC 2010, publications, sensing
Its good information about spectrum sensing. I feel glad to read it.
Citrix Infrastructure Solutions
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