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Jul 15, 2011

PhD Thesis: Interference Management in Cognitive Radio

Thesis on Cognitive radio.My dissertation examination took place a couple of weeks ago. Happily I passed... Now I can say that one of the unexpected problems of doing a PhD is to decide "what is enough". In some cases you can decide it based on the number of publications, but you probably have a lot of unfinished work which would be nice to include. In my case, somehow "luckily", I had a fixed deadline to finish the writing. However, I still have the feeling that something is left. There is always more to know. One more book to read. One more case to simulate. But as the quote says, perfection is the enemy of completion.

Hence, these days I've been updating my webpage to include my (imperfect) thesis. The title of the dissertation "Interference and Network Management in Cognitive Communication Systems" [V11] was chosen at some early stage of the work, however, it covers the two-parts of the developed work:

"On the one hand, using game theoretical tools, we analyze a framework for interference management in which certain interaction is allowed between primary and secondary systems. On the other hand, we address the problem of primary user monitoring using novel spectrum sensing schemes which exploit multiple antennas, wideband processing, and the available knowledge about primary transmissions."

For more details please refer to the section Cognitive Radio in my webpage, which gives an overview of the content of the thesis and includes a link for download.


Gonzalo Vazquez-Vilar Interference and Network Management in Cognitive Communication Systems Doctoral Thesis, Signal Processing and Communications Dept., University of Vigo, Jun 2011

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Blogger Unknown said...


July 16, 2011 at 12:43 AM  
Blogger La vida said...


July 18, 2011 at 11:13 AM  
Blogger Igor said...

Same thing, Congratulations Gonazalo. I'll feature it tomorrow on Nuit Blanche, but while spectrum sensing seems a littel dead in broadcast, there seems to be another area where spectrum sensing might be relevant (power line communications).



July 20, 2011 at 3:04 PM  
Blogger Ardalan Alizadeh- Weblog said...

Congrats Gonzalo! I had a glance at your dissertation right now (with some months delay!) and I should say that I have impressed. This is the most prefect thesis that I have seen in my life.

I hope that we see your further success in the near future.

Buena suerte,


November 5, 2011 at 1:09 AM  
Blogger Priyanka Shukla said...

I am pursuing my M.tech and z\my thesis topic is Coginitive Radio. I am not getting what to do and How will I do it.Can you please help me in this regards.

March 12, 2013 at 9:40 AM  
Blogger techsparks said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

May 27, 2015 at 9:57 AM  

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